Tuesday, 10 December 2013

FILMING DAY 2 - 9/12/13

The second day of filming was 9/12/13. We did the filming in the evening and Shannon my cast member came straight from college. Getting ready and prepared took a little less time compared to 1st day of filming as we knew what to do and knew how to do hairstyles and costume. Starting at 5:00pm - having finish at 7:00pm, we finished then as the shots I prepared to shoot on our 2nd day we got them all done. I believe filming had more of a flow to it this time, as my cast member got into character straight away and she felt more comfortable also I had more of an understanding on how I wanted the narrative to come across to the audience as comparing to the 1st day of filming I wanted to do practice shots and had to concentrate on explaining the personality of the character to my cast member. Again my shots was filmed inside my house new locations in the house compared to the 1st day is the living room,hall way and the stair case.
The same preparation of my cast member was the same but knowing what had to be done it wasn't as time consuming.

VO5 Hairspray - £2
When getting my cast member ready, we learnt from the 1st filming day that my cast members curls was falling out easily therefore we prepared getting hairspray for the 2nd filming day so the curls wouldn't fall out and we wouldn't of had to re-curl her hair. In conclusion the hairspray saved the day as the curls stayed in and we didn't have to waste time re-curling.

I went through with my cast member the lyrics basically highlighting the lyric synchronisation, so my cast member looked like a confident artist in the music video. Also I went through the shots of what I wanted her to perform. Then going through what I wanted her to do on the specific shot again on set.
Overall shooting in, living room, stair case, hall way and bedroom.

Taken Shots : 6,49,50,51,59,60,61,62,63,64,69 
- Re-took shot 10 from 1st day filming.
- Took shot 14 however changed the shot completely.

Additional Costume and Props to FILMING DAY 2.

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