1. CLOSE-UP SHOT- Static Television
2. SLOW PAN OF MEDIUM WIDE SHOT - Garden flowers
3. CLOSE-UP SHOT- One garden flower
4. EXTREME CLOSE-UP SHOT - One garden flower
5. SLOW PAN OF WIDE SHOT - Ship in the marina (HULL)
6. CLOSE-UP SHOT- Film leader
7. CLOSE-UP or EXTREME CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist lips miming lyrics
8. LOW ANGLE WIDE SHOT - Outside shot of the house
9. SLOW PAN OF CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist writing on the letter
10. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist licking the envelope
11. POINT OF VIEW CLOSE-UP SHOT - Envelope being posted through the letterbox
12. SLOW TILT UPWARDS TO CLOSE-UP SHOT- Artist in red dress
13. CLOSE-UP SHOT and FADE - Artist face fading to the night sky
14. SLOW ZOOM IN OF MID SHOT - Artist looking at her reflection in the mirror
15. TRACKING OF A MEDIUM CLOSE-UP - Artist walking in heels shot of her legs
16. WIDE SHOT- - Artist praying in bedroom
17. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist praying and looking upwards in bedroom
18. WIDE MID SHOT - Artist washing the pots (shot from the outside through the window)
19. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Fire ( From a household fire place)
20. LONG SHOT and FADE - Fire place fading to the artist miming
21. MID SHOT - Artist listening to the radio
22. CLOSE-UP SHOT or EXTREME CLOSE-UP SHOT- Artist lips miming the lyrics
23. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Calender
24. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Telephone and artist finger on it
25. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist miming lyrics whilst on the telephone
26. MID SHOT LEFT OF SCREEN - Artist miming lyrics
27. CLOSE-UP SHOT LEFT OF SCREEN - Artist miming lyrics
28. CLOSE-UP SHOT CENTRE OF SCREEN - Artist miming lyrics
29. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist drinking alcohol
30. MEDIUM CLOSE-UP SHOT - Car steering wheel and artist driving it
31. HIGH ANGLE MEDIUM CLOSE- UP - Artist laying in bed
32. HIGH ANGLE MEDIUM CLOSE-UP and FADE - Artist laying in bed fading to daylight sky
33. MID SHOT - Artist blowing candles out- for lighting to go pitch black
34. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist praying and tilts head upwards
35. MID SHOT - Artist miming lyrics whilst looking out the window
36. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Fire ( From a household fire place)
37. LONG SHOT and FADE - Fire place fading to the artist miming
38. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Radio artist finger turning the volume up
39. CLOSE-UP SHOT or EXTREME CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist lips miming the lyrics
40. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Calender
41. MID SHOT - Artist miming lyrics pointing to the camera
42. HIGH ANGLE OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT - Artist folding her lovers shirt
43. MID SHOT LEFT OF SCREEN- Artist miming lyrics
44. CLOSE-UP SHOT LEFT OF SCREEN - Artist miming lyrics
45. CLOSE-UP SHOT CENTRE OF SCREEN - Artist miming lyrics
46. HIGH ANGLE MEDIUM CLOSE-UP - Artist curled in a ball in bed
47. CLOSE-UP SHOT and FADE - daylight and night fade into eachother
48. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Calender
49. LONG SHOT - Artist sitting on stair case looking at her watch
51. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Letter box
52. MID SHOT LEFT OF SCREEN- Artist miming lyrics
53. CLOSE-UP SHOT LEFT OF SCREEN - Artist miming lyrics
54. CLOSE-UP SHOT CENTRE OF SCREEN - Artist miming lyrics
55. CLOSE-UP or EXTREME CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist lips pouting
56. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Calender
57. EXTREME CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist face wearing sun glasses
58. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist miming lyrics whilst pulling her glasses down revealing her eyes
59. TRACKING OF A MEDIUM CLOSE-UP - Artist running in heels towards the front door
60. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Letter getting posted through the letter box
61. POINT OF VIEW CLOSE-UP SHOT - The writing on the letter
62. POINT OF VIEW EXTREME CLOSE-UP SHOT - The writing on the letter
63. CLOSE-UP SHOT - Artist crying
64. POINT OF VIEW CLOSE-UP SHOT - The other side of the letter with the picture of her lover